Are you a Central Government employee curious about the recent Dearness Allowance (DA) hike? In the wake of rising inflation and economic conditions, the Indian government frequently revises the DA to help employees cope with the increasing costs. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with all the essential information regarding the DA hike for Central Government employees, including its impact, calculation methods, and other relevant details.

Understanding Dearness Allowance (DA)

What is DA?

Dearness Allowance (DA) is a cost of living adjustment allowance paid to government employees, pensioners, and some types of workers to compensate for the increased cost of living due to inflation. It is calculated as a percentage of the basic salary and is revised periodically to offset the impact of inflation on employees’ purchasing power.

Purpose of Dearness Allowance

The primary purpose of DA is to ensure that the real value of the salary of government employees is maintained in the face of inflation. By periodically revising the DA, the government aims to help employees manage their household expenses effectively despite the rising cost of living.

Recent Dearness Allowance Hike


The Union Cabinet recently approved a DA hike for Central Government employees, a move that will benefit millions of employees and pensioners across the country. The decision to increase the DA comes in light of the economic challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and rising inflation rates.

Impact of the Hike

The DA hike will have a significant impact on the take-home salary of Central Government employees. It will help employees manage their expenses better and maintain their standard of living in the face of increasing prices of essential commodities.

Calculation of Dearness Allowance


The calculation of DA for Central Government employees is based on the All India Consumer Price Index (AICPI). The DA is calculated as a percentage of the basic salary using the following formula:

DA% = ((Average of the AICPI for the past 12 months – 261.42) / 261.42) x 100


For example, if the average AICPI for the past 12 months is 300, the DA percentage would be:

((300 – 261.42) / 261.42) x 100 = 14.75%

Payment Arrears

The DA hike is often implemented from a certain retrospective date. This means that employees are entitled to arrears, which are the additional payments owed to them from the date the hike comes into effect. It is crucial for employees to ensure that they receive the arrears along with their revised salary.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. When will the DA hike for Central Government employees come into effect?

The DA hike for Central Government employees typically comes into effect from a specified date mentioned in the official notification. Employees will receive the revised DA in their subsequent salary payments.

2. How often does the government revise the DA for Central Government employees?

The government revises the DA for Central Government employees periodically based on the prevailing economic conditions and inflation rates. It is usually done twice a year or as per the recommendations of the Pay Commissions.

3. Will the increased DA impact other allowances and benefits of Central Government employees?

Yes, the increased DA may have an impact on other allowances and benefits as some of these are linked to the basic salary. Employees should check with the relevant authorities for any changes in their total compensation package.

4. Are pensioners also eligible for the DA hike?

Yes, pensioners of the Central Government also benefit from the DA hike. The increase in DA will reflect in their pension payments as per the revised percentage.

5. Can employees calculate their revised salary with the new DA percentage?

Employees can calculate their revised salary with the new DA percentage by multiplying the revised DA percentage with their basic salary. This will give them an estimate of the increase in their take-home salary.

6. How can employees ensure they receive the arrears for the DA hike?

Employees should regularly check their salary slips and communicate with the HR or accounts department to ensure that they receive the arrears for the DA hike along with their revised salary.

7. Is the DA hike uniform for all Central Government employees?

The DA hike percentage is usually uniform for all Central Government employees, although there may be variations for specific categories of employees based on the recommendations of the Pay Commission or government directives.

8. Can employees avail of any tax benefits due to the DA hike?

The DA hike itself does not offer any specific tax benefits, but the increase in salary resulting from the DA hike may impact the tax liability of employees. It is advisable to consult a tax expert to understand any potential tax implications.

9. Will the DA hike be applicable to employees serving in Union Territories as well?

Yes, the DA hike for Central Government employees is applicable to employees serving in Union Territories under the purview of the Central Government. They will receive the revised DA as per the approved percentage.

10. How does the DA hike affect the overall economy?

The DA hike for Central Government employees injects additional liquidity into the economy, as employees have more disposable income to spend. This can stimulate consumer demand and contribute to economic growth, especially in sectors catering to consumer goods and services.

In conclusion, the recent DA hike for Central Government employees is a welcome move that will positively impact the financial well-being of millions of employees and pensioners. By understanding the intricacies of the DA hike, employees can make informed decisions about their finances and ensure they receive their entitled benefits in a timely manner. Stay updated with official communications from the government and consult relevant sources for any specific queries regarding the DA hike.


